Learn Create Inspire

Sharing successes and challenges through teaching while becoming a (hopefully) published author.

Functional Closure Part 3: More Digital Resouces

Functional Closure Part 3: More Digital Resouces

Functional Closure Part 3: More Digital Resources. This post explores a few digital resources that I use (Esti-mysteries, Jam Board, and Book Creator) as well as a few specific apps in Office365 (Sway, Forms, and Word). It will be the last in my digital technology series unless I get specific questions that I feel I can answer. As alway, I hope this is helpful. I know we can make it through this challenging time.

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Planning for a Functional Closure? Want to know what it is? Let me help!

Planning for a Functional Closure? Want to know what it is? Let me help!

Are you planning for a functional closure…or wondering what a functional closure is? This blog post will explain what I know so far and provide some support to educators. I share some of my favourite digital resources and what I am sending home next week so that my students are prepared. We can do this if we support each other!

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