Learn Create Inspire

Sharing successes and challenges through teaching while becoming a (hopefully) published author.

Functional Closure Part 3: More Digital Resouces

Functional Closure Part 3: More Digital Resouces

Functional Closure Part 3: More Digital Resources. This post explores a few digital resources that I use (Esti-mysteries, Jam Board, and Book Creator) as well as a few specific apps in Office365 (Sway, Forms, and Word). It will be the last in my digital technology series unless I get specific questions that I feel I can answer. As alway, I hope this is helpful. I know we can make it through this challenging time.

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Are you assessing ideas or printing? Decriminalize supports!

Are you assessing ideas or printing? Decriminalize supports!

Are you wanting to assess ideas but kids in your class have trouble sharing their thinking in writing? This post will give you a few low-tech supports for kids and walk through using voice-to-text to support your students in expressing their ideas more clearly with confidence. We need to decriminalize supports in the classroom to support all learners.

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