Learn Create Inspire
Sharing successes and challenges through teaching while becoming a (hopefully) published author.
Storytelling Part 2: Early Lessons/Background
Part 2 in the storytelling unit series. This blog post outlines the lessons we used to understand different storytelling types. These lessons were the foundation that helped kids start to see the power of oral storytelling.
Finding Joy in Covid Teaching
Teaching double duty this week with six kids in class and twenty something online. It has been a month of dealing with covid in my class. I am working hard to find joy this week through reducing my workload and focusing on my favourites: writing stories and doing art!
Transgender Awareness Week Resources
It is Transgender Awareness Week. This blog post will provide you with literature that you can use from primary through high school. I have also outlined a lesson I ran today using the book Red A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall.
Picture Book Study: Exploring the Alternate Experiences of War
As we approach Remembrance Day and Veterans Day, explore the alternate experiences of war through five powerful pictures books. Help teach reading comprehension skills, compassion, and history in a powerful way that every child can participate in. This activity has built in structures to support all students.
Reader Request: Exploring the First Peoples Principles of Learning
This is a lesson that helped my kids unpack the First Peoples Principles of Learning. We unpacked the language and then used these as a lens through which to view literature. This could also be done at a staff meeting or pro-D to help adults unpack the principles as well. I did make a mistake and have corrected it within this blog post. We are all still learning and when we know better…we do better!
Picture Books in Intermediate Part 1: Why Picture Books?
Part 1 of a series teaching how to use picture books in the intermediate classroom. This first blog post is an introduction to the series as well as my personal ‘Why’ behind my use of picture books in the classroom.