Job Share Hide-and-Seek

This year, for the first time in my career, I worked 80%. We were fortunate enough to make it work financially and I have had Tuesdays off to take care of myself. I sleep in, walk my little human to school, run errands, catch up on planning and marking, and of course, write. I have valued this day each week and have felt the lighter load at work.

I tried to find a job share for last year and failed. I spent the year a little sad because I didn’t have the time with my little human. This failure added pressure to my hunt for this school year.

In my district, finding a job share is like going on strange blind dates. Before Covid, there were in person meetings with a speed dating feel. Now, there is a sign up through our union and a Facebook group. On the group we post our hopeful little blurbs to try to sell who we are and what we are looking for. If we are lucky, a few people will message us…then we talk on the phone…maybe go for a walk. Then we hope. We hope we connect with someone and that they connect with us.

If you are like me and want to work 70-80%, it can be tricker to find someone. People who only want to work 20-30% get inundated with offers. A few people I met with last year were having coffee with six different teachers before deciding. I am happy for these people, they get to choose, but it is hard on those who don’t get chosen. When someone didn’t choose me, I would try to analyze what I said or did wrong. It felt like a personal failure, even thought I know it wasn’t. Every time someone didn’t choose me, it increased my anxiety.

I was grateful when I reconnected with my current job share partner. She is so kind and works so hard for our kids. In a year where our class went into isolation, then school started late, and then I got covid—I could not have asked for a more understanding parter. I know the kids will be fine with her and she has lightened my load by teaching two reportable subjects as well as a few other bits and pieces.

Teaching is a stressful job. This year has been so much better working 80%. Now that I know that working 80% brings joy and work-life balance, it is so much more important to hold onto that balance. It should be easier to work 80% than fighting in a shark tank for the right fit. What could be done to make this process easier? I don’t have the answers—I wish I did.

Why am I thinking about this right now? Well, in my district, the job share deadline is just after spring break—which seems far away, but it isn’t. Also, my job share this year really loves primary and that is where she would like to be. She also wants to stay at the school we are at, and I want the option to move. If the right position opened somewhere, it might be time for a new opportunity. Even though it has been a supportive partnership, we know what is best for ourselves.

So I am out again playing the game of job share hide-and-seek. I know it is what I need for my own sanity and I am feeling very stressed that I have not found anyone yet. It is extra stress that I don’t need in an already challenging year.

A friend suggested I write this post because she thought other people might be feeling the same stress as I am. If you are, I am here holding space for you to feel the stress and the frustration. It is so hard to know what you need and feel it is out of reach. Finding a job share feels so out of our control—a game of hoping the right person sees your post and messages you back. It shouldn’t be hope and anxiety balled up together, but right now, it kind of is.

I wish you good luck in finding what you need to support yourself.

Also, my name is Melissa…I teach intermediate in Surrey and am looking for someone to join me .2-.3 next year. If you hear if anyone looking, please give them my name.


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