A Dragon, a Goat, and Lettuce need to cross a river: Non Curricular Math Tasks
Last year I read Building a Thinking Classroom in Mathematics by Peter Liljedahl and loved it. The book was easy to read and my copy is filled with sticky notes, highlighter, and random ideas written up the margins.
Reading the book last year showed me what I missed out on. It was hard to implement every suggestion during a pandemic year, but I did what I could. The kids thrived and students who normally were terrified of math could suddenly use math vocabulary with ease to demonstrate deep understanding.
My grade five students didn’t just memorize the Prime Numbers, they understood what it meant to be a Prime Number and could use this knowledge to help with multiples or factoring. The understanding was deep and the excitement was contagious.
Fast Forward to This Year…
My Non Curricular Week
This is my week of non curricular tasks…every day we are doing:
A number sense routine (Choral Counting, Esti-Mystery, or Which Doesn’t Belong?)
A Non Curricular Task
Time for Math Games (We have learned 4-5 dice math games that the kids can play)
It was exciting to see the kids thrive today during our logic puzzle. They worked with random groups at vertical whiteboards and they loved it. They drew pictures, discussed ideas, tried it with physical models…they got it!
So, what problem did I start with?
It is a slight twist on a VERY common puzzle. You can download my version HERE.